In order to allow interaction of an spatial a correlation clusters in RLumCarlo, first a dosimetric system needs to be created in a three-dimensional space, which is the purpose of this function.

create_ClusterSystem(n = 100, h = 0.5, plot = FALSE, ...)



numeric (with default): number of clusters to be created in an arbitrary 3-dimensional cube. x, y, z distances range between 0 and 1.


numeric (with default): numeric scalar the cut the cluster tree using stats::cutree. The number must range between 0 and 1.


logical (with default): enables/disables plot output


further arguments to be passed to the plot output


The function returns a list of class RLumCarlo_clusters consisting of numeric vector of cluster groups and a matrix of the cluster positions in the arbitrary space. If plot = TRUE the system is displayed using scatterplot3d::scatterplot3d

Function version



Sebastian Kreutzer, Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University (Germany)

How to cite

Kreutzer, S., 2022. create_ClusterSystem(): Create dosimetric cluster system. Function version 0.1.0. In: Friedrich, J., Kreutzer, S., Pagonis, V., Schmidt, C., 2022. RLumCarlo: Monte-Carlo Methods for Simulating Luminescence Phenomena. R package version 0.1.9.


create_ClusterSystem(n = 10, plot = TRUE)

#> $cl_groups
#>  [1] 1 2 3 1 4 3 5 1 6 3
#> $m
#>               x          y         z
#>  [1,] 0.2817585 0.63241297 0.4023774
#>  [2,] 0.1587530 0.46857641 0.8126550
#>  [3,] 0.6246439 0.74245347 0.6514086
#>  [4,] 0.2906986 0.78426412 0.1344048
#>  [5,] 0.7028749 0.86874303 0.2088964
#>  [6,] 0.6133890 0.70891994 0.5304134
#>  [7,] 0.9375382 0.01381981 0.9742276
#>  [8,] 0.4906840 0.61225656 0.3332547
#>  [9,] 0.5202289 0.27368251 0.4435662
#> [10,] 0.8569906 0.56072631 0.8484819
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "RLumCarlo_ClusterSystem"