
`RLumCarlo’ is a collection of energy-band models to simulate luminescence signals in dosimetric materials using Monte-Carlo (MC) methods for various stimulation modes. This document aims at supplementing the package documentation and elaborating the package examples.

The models in `RLumCarlo’


Delocalised OTOR - X X X
Localised GOT X - X X
Excited state tunnelling LTM X - X X

In the table above column headers refer to stimulation modes, which are infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL), optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), LM-OSL (Bulur 1996), and thermally stimulated luminescence (short: TL). In the column `BASE MODEL’ OTOR refers to `One Trap-One Recombination Centre’, GOT to `General One Trap’, and LTM to `Localized Transition Model’ (Jain, Guralnik, and Andersen 2012; Pagonis et al. 2019). For general overview we refer to the excellent book by Chen and Pagonis (2011).

Where to find them

The following table lists models as implemented in `RLumCarlo’ along with the R function call and the corresponding R (*.R) and C++ (*.cpp) files. The modelling takes place in the C++ functions which are wrapped by the R functions with a similar name. If you, however, want to cross-check the code, you should inspect files with the ending .cpp.

MC_TL_LOC run_MC_TL_LOC() R/run_MC_TL_LOC.R src/MC_C_MC_TL_LOC.cpp
MC_TL_TUN run_MC_TL_TUN() R/run_MC_TL_TUN.R src/MC_C_MC_TL_TUN.cpp

Each model is run by calling one of the R functions starting with run_. Currently, three different model types (TUN: tunnelling, LOC: localised transition, DELOC: delocalised transition) are implemented for the stimulation types TL, IRSL, LM-OSL, and ISO (isothermal). Please note that each model has different parameters and requirements.

`RLumCarlo’ model parameters and variables

The following table summarises the parameters used in the implemented MC models along with their physical meaning, units and the range of realistic values. This range represents just a rough guideline and might be exceeded for particular cases.


The following examples illustrate the capacity of `RLumCarlo’, by using code-snippets deploying longer simulation times than allowed for the standard package examples, which aim at a functionality test.

Example 1: A first example

The first example is an iso-thermal decay curve using the tunnelling model (other models work similarly). Returned are either the simulated signal or the estimated remaining trapped charge carriers. The Function plot_RLumCarlo() provides an easy way to visualise the modelling results and is here called using the tee operator %T> from the package magrittr (which is imported by `RLumCarlo’). Simulation results are stored in the object results while, at the same time, piped to the function plot_RLumCarlo() for the output visualisation.

Model the signal

The most obvious modelling output is the luminescence signal itself, our example below simulates an iso-thermal (ITL) signal for a temperature (T) of 200 °C over 5,000 s using a tunnelling transition model. Trap parameters are \(E = 1.2\) eV for the trap depth and a frequency factor of \(1\times10^{10}\) (1/s). The parameter rho (\(\rho'\)) defines the recombination centre density.

results <- run_MC_ISO_TUN(
  E = 1.2,
  s = 1e10,
  T = 200,
  N_e = 200,
  rho = 0.007,
  clusters = 10,
  times = seq(0, 5000)
) %T>%
  plot_RLumCarlo(norm = TRUE,
                 legend = TRUE,
                 main = "Iso-thermal decay (TUN)")

In the example above N_e is a scalar, which means that all clusters start with the same number of electrons (here 200). However, `RLumCarlo’ supports different starting conditions with regard to the initial number of electrons. For example, one could assume that the number of initial electrons vary randomly between 190 and 210. Such a situation is created in the next example. Generally, `RLumCarlo’ supports such an input for the parameters N_e and n_filled.

results <- run_MC_ISO_TUN(
  E = 1.2,
  s = 1e10,
  T = 200,
  N_e = sample(190:210,10,TRUE),
  rho = 0.007,
  clusters = 10,
  times = seq(0, 5000)
) %T>%
  plot_RLumCarlo(norm = TRUE,
                 legend = TRUE,
                 main = "Iso-thermal decay (TUN) for varying N_e")

Model remaining charges

The first example can be slightly altered to provide alternative insight. Instead of the luminescence signal, the variant below returns the number of remaining electrons in the trap.

results <- run_MC_ISO_TUN(
  E = 1.2,
  s = 1e10,
  T = 200,
  rho = 0.007,
  times = seq(0, 5000), 
  output = "remaining_e"
) %T>%
    legend = TRUE,
    ylab = "Remaining electrons"

Understanding the numerical output

In both cases the modelling output is an object of class RLumCarlo_Model_Output, which is basically a list consisting of an array and a numeric (vector).

## List of 2
##  $ signal: num [1:5001, 1:21, 1:10] 199 199 198 197 196 196 195 195 194 192 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 3
##   .. ..$ : NULL
##   .. ..$ : NULL
##   .. ..$ : NULL
##  $ time  : int [1:5001] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
##  - attr(*, "class")= chr "RLumCarlo_Model_Output"
##  - attr(*, "model")= chr "run_MC_ISO_TUN"

While this represents the full modelling output results, its interpretation might be less straight forward, and the user may want to condense the information via summary(). The function summary() is also used internally by the function plot_RLumCarlo() to simplify the data before there are plotted.

df <- summary(results)
##       time           mean          y_min          y_max            sd        
##  Min.   :   0   Min.   :3079   Min.   :3054   Min.   :3117   Min.   : 1.101  
##  1st Qu.:1250   1st Qu.:3185   1st Qu.:3148   1st Qu.:3217   1st Qu.:11.855  
##  Median :2500   Median :3337   Median :3321   Median :3357   Median :16.721  
##  Mean   :2500   Mean   :3421   Mean   :3397   Mean   :3447   Mean   :16.589  
##  3rd Qu.:3750   3rd Qu.:3599   3rd Qu.:3582   3rd Qu.:3619   3rd Qu.:21.433  
##  Max.   :5000   Max.   :4199   Max.   :4197   Max.   :4200   Max.   :25.042  
##       var               sum       
##  Min.   :  1.211   Min.   :30788  
##  1st Qu.:140.544   1st Qu.:31853  
##  Median :279.600   Median :33369  
##  Mean   :300.808   Mean   :34214  
##  3rd Qu.:459.389   3rd Qu.:35994  
##  Max.   :627.122   Max.   :41991
##   time   mean y_min y_max       sd      var   sum
## 1    0 4199.1  4197  4200 1.100505 1.211111 41991
## 2    1 4197.9  4195  4200 1.595131 2.544444 41979
## 3    2 4197.2  4194  4200 1.932184 3.733333 41972
## 4    3 4196.0  4192  4199 2.357023 5.555556 41960
## 5    4 4195.2  4191  4198 2.529822 6.400000 41952
## 6    5 4194.3  4190  4198 2.406011 5.788889 41943

The call summarises the modelling results and returns a terminal output and a data.frame with, e.g., the mean or the standard deviation, which can be used to create plots for further insight. For instance, the stimulation time against coefficient of variation (CV in %):

  x = df$time,
  y = (df$sd / df$mean) * 100,
  pch = 20, 
  col = rgb(0,0,0,.1),
  xlab = "Stimulation time [s]",
  ylab = "CV [%]"

Example 2: Combining two plots

The following examples use again the tunnelling model but for continuous wave (CW) infrared light stimulation (IRSL), and they combine two plots in one single plot window.

## set time vector 
times <- seq(0, 1000)

## Run MC simulation
run_MC_CW_IRSL_TUN(A = 0.12, rho = 0.003, times = times) %>%
  plot_RLumCarlo(norm = TRUE, legend = TRUE)

run_MC_CW_IRSL_TUN(A = 0.21, rho = 0.003, times = times) %>%
  plot_RLumCarlo(norm = TRUE, add = TRUE)

Example 3: Testing different parameters

The example above can be further extended to test the effect of different parameters. Contrary to the example above, here the results are stored in a list and plot_RLumCarlo() is called only one time and it will then iterate automatically over the results to create a combined plot.

s <- 3.5e12
rho <- 0.015
E <- 1.45
r_c <- c(0,0.7,0.77,0.86, 0.97)
times <- seq(100, 450) # here time = temperature
results <- lapply(r_c, function(x) {
    s = s,
    E = E,
    rho = rho,
    r_c = x,
    times = times

The plot output can be highly customised to provide a better visual experience, e.g., the manual setting of the colours and the legend.

## plot curves, but without legend
  object = results, 
  ylab = "normalised TL signal",
  xlab = "Temperature [\u00b0C]", 
  plot_uncertainty = "range",
  col = khroma::colour("bright")(length(r_c)),
  legend = FALSE,
  norm = TRUE

## add legend manually
  bty = "n",
  legend = paste0("r_c: ", r_c),
  lty = 1,
  col = khroma::colour("bright")(length(r_c))

Example 4: Dosimetric cluster systems

`RLumCarlo’ supports the simulation of a cheap dosimetric cluster system with spatial correlation. Such a dosimetric cluster system can be created with the function create_ClusterSystem():

clusters <- create_ClusterSystem(n = 100, plot = TRUE)

The result is an arbitrary dosimetric system with randomly distributed clusters. The Euclidean distance is used to group the clusters (colour code). To use the system in the simulation, instead of providing a scalar as input to clusters, the output of create_ClusterSystem() can be injected in every run_MC function.

 s = 1e14,
 E = 0.9,
 times = 0:100,
 b = 1,
 n_filled = 1000,
 method = "seq",
 clusters = clusters,
 r = 1) %>%

Please note: For the simulation of a dosimetric cluster system, the meaning of n_filled changes. Instead of defining the number of electrons per cluster, it becomes the total number of electrons in the system. Electrons are distributed according to the grouping of the single clusters (the colours in the three-dimensional scatter plot). Within one group, electrons are distributed evenly.


Bulur, Enver. 1996. An Alternative Technique For Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) Experiment.” Radiation Measurements 26 (5): 701–9.
Chen, R, and Vasilis Pagonis. 2011. Thermally and Optically Stimulated Luminescence - A Simulation Approach. Thermally and Optically Stimulated Luminescence a Simulation Approach. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Jain, Mayank, Benny Guralnik, and Martin Thalbitzer Andersen. 2012. Stimulated luminescence emission from localized recombination in randomly distributed defects.” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24 (38): 385402.
Pagonis, Vasilis, Johannes Friedrich, Michael Discher, Anna Müller-Kirschbaum, Veronika Schlosser, Sebastian Kreutzer, Reuven Chen, and Christoph Schmidt. 2019. Excited state luminescence signals from a random distribution of defects_ A new Monte Carlo simulation approach for feldspar.” Journal of Luminescence 207: 266–72.