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Changes in version 1.0.1 (2025-03-07)

CRAN release: 2025-03-07



  • The number of aliquots used was only partially reported if no aliquots were removed, resulting in an incomplete message in the output to the terminal.


  • The function now checks that an input object generated from an XSYG file contains irradiation steps and returns an error if none are available, instead of producing an unhelpful output (#588).

  • A regression in plot_RLum.Analysis() caused part of the plot of the luminescence curves to be garbled (#589).

  • The function crashed on a file generated by read_XSYG2R() if the number of curves available after removal of the irradiation step was not enough for the the fading measurement to be analysed (#603).


  • The check on the minimum device plot size used to fail if only one dimension was below our minimum threshold, and when it was incorrectly triggered by the floating point values computed by grDevices::dev.size(), which sometimes could be spuriously just below threshold. We also changed the minimum device size from 18 to 16 inches (#593).


  • The function crashed if the number of depths provided exceeded that of the densities and the latter contained more than one value (#595).


  • The function sporadically returned an implausibly large error estimate if any of the Monte Carlo simulations produced an outlier solution (#597).

  • The function now allocates only as much memory as required if the user specifies a value for n.MC other than "auto", which brings a small speed-up if fewer than 10 million samples are requested.

  • Input arguments are now more thoroughly checked to avoid warnings or unhelpful messages (#599).


  • The function crashed if the input was an RLum.Analysis object (#586).


  • The xlim, ylim and zlim parameters are now better validated to avoid possible crashes if misspecified (#581).


  • The function reset incorrectly the graphical parameters for the case plot_singlePanels = TRUE. This caused a regression in the plot output from analyse_FadingMeasurement() (#589).


  • The function doesn’t crash when multiple fields are specified, although the actual sort at the moment occurs only on the first field (#606).

  • Attempting to sort an empty object returns the object itself instead of crashing (#608).

Changes in version 1.0.0 (2025-02-21)

CRAN release: 2025-02-21

New functions

  • apply_Crosstalk(), calc_MoransI(), plot_SingleGrainDisc() and plot_MoranScatterplot() were contributed by Anna-Maartje de Boer and Luc Steinbuch (#560). An introductory example on how to use these functions is available by executing vignette("crosstalk").

  • calc_EED_Model() models incomplete and heterogeneous bleaching of mobile grains after Guibert et al. (2017). Along with the function, the new ExampleData.MortarData data set was added.

  • fit_DoseResponseCurve() and plot_DoseResponseCurve() are two new functions derived from plot_GrowthCurve(): the first only performs the fitting of a dose-response curve, while the second plots it. This brings greater flexibility and increased speed, as plotting is now independent of fitting (#141, fixed in #318).

  • melt_RLum(): Creates a new flat data.frame that can be used for instance in combination with 'ggplot2'. It works only on RLum.Data.Curve-class and RLum.Analysis-class objects and lists of such objects.

  • merge_RLum.Data.Spectrum(): This new function allows to merge two or more RLum.Data.Spectrum objects in different ways (#368, fixed in #419).

  • add_metadata(), rename_metadata(), replace_metadata(): These function allow to manipulate the metadata of Risoe.BINfileData, RLum.Analysis and RLum.Data objects (#480, fixed in #514, #524, #525, #527, #534, #545).

  • sort_RLum(): Allows to sort the records of RLum.Analysis and Risoe.BINfileData objects according to a given slot or info element (#528, fixed in #571 and #576).

  • view(): Provides a shortcut to the utils::View() spreadsheet-like data viewer tailored to the objects in the package (#489, fixed in #490).

Breaking changes

  • We have dropped our dependency on the readxl package: functions analyse_baSAR() and use_DRAC() now do not accept XLS files anymore but CSV files instead (#237, fixed in #270). CSV files can be easily generated from XLS files by Excel or similar applications, or by reading them with readxl::read_excel() and saving them with write.csv().

  • The plot.single option, which was available for several functions, sometimes under a slightly different name, has now been renamed to plot_singlePanels for overall consistency and clarity. Function scale_GammaDose() used that option but gave it the opposite meaning: now also this function conforms to the rest of the package. The use of the older names is now deprecated and will produce a warning (#351, fixed in #408).

  • The NumberIterations.MC option of plot_GrowthCurve() has now been renamed to n.MC for consistency with other functions. Potentially affected are also analyse_Al2O3C_ITC(), analyse_baSAR(), analyse_SAR.CWOSL(), analyse_SAR.TL(), calc_Huntley2006(), calc_Lamothe2003(), as they may pass that option plot_GrowthCurve() via their ... argument. The use of the older name is now deprecated and will produce a warning (#546, fixed in #547).

Renamed functions and deprecations

New dependencies

  • We have added package ’vdiffr’ as dependency in suggests. The package enables us to automatically verify the consistency of plot outputs generated by package functions against reference figures captured earlier. Although this new dependency does not have any user-visible impact, it is required when building ’Luminescence’ from source. The primary advantage lies in the developer’s domain, as it ensures that modifications to functions do not inadvertently alter plot outputs.



  • The function doesn’t crash anymore if option recordType is specified and none of the records in the data set is of that type (#487, fixed in #488).


  • Argument XLS_file has been replaced by CSV_file and, as mentioned above, the function now only accepts CSV files as input (#237, fixed in #270).
  • Add support for recordType passed to get_RLum in the additional arguments.
  • Option plot.single has been renamed to plot_singlePanels (#351, fixed in #408).
  • The function crashed if the number of MCMC iterations was set equal to the thinning interval; on the other hand, we saw errors reported from JAGS if the number of MCMC iterations was not at least double the thinning interval. To address this, we slightly retouched our automatic setting of the thinning interval (which was problematic only if the number of MCMC iterations was extremely low); on the other hand, if a user sets a thinning interval that is too high, we now reset it to a lower value and raise a warning (#407, fixed in #409).
  • The function crashed if a Risoe.BINFileData object was provided and the argument irradiation_times was set; fixed.
  • The function was supposed to remove non-OSL curves from the dataset, but it almost never did; fixed.
  • The function is more robust against input that may have been subset inconsistently (#517, fixed in #518).
  • The function doesn’t crash but reports more helpful messages in case the user overrides the default set of monitored variables using variable.names within the method_control argument (#521, fixed in #522).


  • The function crashed for a list input that led to NULL for various reasons (e.g., unsuitable set of curves). Here the self-call attempted to extract information from the results that did not exist in the first place instead of returning NULL; fixed.
  • The produced RLum.Results object now also contains a column for the grain (#553, fixed in #554).


  • The function now checks for the version of the BIN-file that originated the RLum.Analysis object given as input, and reports a message if a version older than 5 was used (#281, fixed in #282).
  • The function doesn’t crash anymore on some RLum.Analysis input files (#283, fixed in #288).
  • Option plot.single has been renamed to plot_singlePanels (#351, fixed in #408).
  • The function doesn’t crash anymore if no record is left after removal of records with negative time since irradiation (#454, fixed in #456).
  • The function has been made more robust in the calculation of rho’ (#558, fixed in #559).


  • The performance of this function has been improved for the “SLIDE” and “VSLIDE” methods, thanks both to tweaks in the C++ implementation of the sliding algorithm and in how that is managed on the R side. In particular, the default number of sliding windows tested in the algorithm has been reduced from 10 to 3: this value is no longer hardcoded, but can be tuned through the new num_slide_windows setting (part of the method.control option), thus allowing to find a balance between computation time and quality of fit (#372, fixed in #388, #398 and #399).
  • The function is more robust against sequence_structure misspecifications (#393, fixed in #394).
  • Some data preparation steps where not correctly applied for method = "VSLIDE" (#396, fixed in #397).
  • Option method.control has been renamed to method_control for consistency with all other functions in the package (#411, fixed in #412).


  • Option plot.single has been renamed to plot_singlePanels (#351, fixed in #408).
  • The produced RLum.Results object now also contains a column for the grain (#553, fixed in #554).
  • The function now checks that the sequence.structure argument contains at least one IR step (#579, fixed in #580).


  • Option plot.single has been renamed to plot_singlePanels (#351, fixed in #408).
  • The function shifted the curves correctly in cases where the first channel is zero and a log-transformation on the x-axis is requested (#580, fixed in #531).


  • Support has been added for the internal function smooth_RLum that can be passed as new argument for method.


  • The function crashed if the data contained non-positive values: now these are removed before proceeding (#532, fixed in #533).


  • Argument na.rm is now deprecated: the function will now always remove missing values, as otherwise the presence of any NA would propagate and produce unusable results (all NAs) or buggy behaviour (#302, fixed in #304).
  • The function stops the fixed-point iteration for the computation of the profile log-likelihood as soon as sigma < 1e-16, as allowing sigma to become zero leads to infinities and buggy behaviour (also fixed in #304).


  • A number of crashes related to input validation have been fixed (#471, fixed in #472).


  • Arguments dose.scale and pdf.scale were not used and have been removed (#566, fixed in #567).


  • The function crashed if the data contained negative errors: to avoid this, we now take the absolute values of errors (#479, fixed in #481).


  • Some crashes in case of model misspecification have been solved (#538, fixed in #539).
  • Some details in the implementation of the function have been optimized, and now it is much faster than before. As part of this, we have changed the default setting of the rprime vector that is used in the calculation of the natural dose response and the field saturation, so that more points are concentrated in the bulk of the distribution: this previously depended incorrectly on the number of Monte Carlo iterations requested, so this change brings an additional speed boost. The default setting can be overridden via the rprime argument (#258, fixed in #541 and #542).
  • Fitting the “GOK” model on the unfaded data failed when the “EXP” model we use to find a good starting point failed: in such cases, we try again using the simulated fit (#549, fixed in #500; thanks to @SalOehl for reporting and providing data to reproduce the error).
  • The natural/simulated curve was not plotted in the negative quadrant for mode = "extrapolation", which made it harder to see where it extrapolated to (#551, fixed in #552; thanks to @SalOehl for reporting).


  • The code of this function has been consolidated to avoid duplication and make its debugging easier: this has uncovered a small coding error and also led to some speed up (#429, fixed in #430, #431 and #432).
  • Some crashes in the function have been solved (#424, fixed in #433).


  • We addressed a long-standing issue regarding the calculation of the Ln/Tn error after fading correction, which led to smaller than expected errors (#96, fixed in #296).


  • The function could crash with a incompatible types (from raw to character) error under particular circumstances; fixed.
  • The function would fail in edge cases where different objects are mixed so that certain fields for METADATA are already available but in the wrong format; fixed.


  • In some circumstances the function failed to update an existing BIN/BINX file due to an incorrect way of subsetting an intermediate data frame of results (#445, fixed in #446).
  • The function crashed if the info element startDate was missing in the irradiation curve; fixed.


  • The function crashed if the computation of the confidence intervals done in confint() failed. This has now been fixed, and in cases of failures we report the error message received from confint() (#509, fixed in #510).
  • Argument output.terminal has been renamed to verbose for consistency with other functions.
  • The function has gained the new method_control argument, which can be used to control the saving of the component contribution matrix in the RLum.Results object it returns. This is now disabled by default: to restore the previous behaviour, add method_control = list(export.comp.contrib.matrix = TRUE) to the function call (fixed in #573).
  • In case of plot failure the function now is able to recover gracefully and produce an output object (#574, fixed in #578).


  • The function can now return a data frame with the values of all curves plotted, so that it’s much easier to produce alternative plots, by setting option = TRUE within the method_control argument (#569, fixed in #570 and #573).


  • The function has gained the new method_control argument, which can be used to control the saving of the component contribution matrix in the RLum.Results object it returns. This is now disabled by default: to restore the previous behaviour, add method_control = list(export.comp.contrib.matrix = TRUE) to the function call (fixed in #573).
  • In case of plot failure the function now is able to recover gracefully and produce an output object (#574, fixed in #578; thanks to @LumTKO for reporting).


  • If the subset option was used on info elements of an RLum.Analysis object, it would return wrong results if the info element was not present in all records; fixed.


  • The function automatically determines the available import functions and ensures that formats supported by the package are tested and used.
  • A minor change in the code enables the support of character vectors of length > 1 as input (e.g., different file names). Furthermore, the function received more testing against a mixture of input formats. Therefore you can provide many different files formats and the function will try to import them all in one go.


  • If negative values were provided, the function sometimes produced wrong plots for z.log = TRUE (the default); fixed.
  • Support for tcl and tck arguments via ... was removed as they were never used internally.


  • Option plot.single has been renamed to plot_singlePanels (#351, fixed in #408).


  • The function crashed if option na.rm was used alongside the preheat option but the data set contained no missing values (#474, fixed in #475).


  • The function is now implemented as a wrapper around fit_DoseResponseCurve() and plot_DoseResponseCurve(). There should be no visible user-facing changes (#319, fixed in #322).
  • Support new ... arguments for plotting (implementation in plot_DoseResponseCurve()) for legend (turn on/off legend) and reg_points_pch for fine grained control over the point shape.
  • Add density_polygon, density_polygon_col, density_rug, box as ... arguments to plot and add respective plot options
  • The function crashed for single grain data that sometimes caused a lot of NaN values during log conversions required for estimating the start parameters. The result was the error object 'b.MC' not found (#374; fixed)
  • For the non-linear choices of fit.method ("EXP+LIN", "EXP+EXP", "GOK" and "LambertW"), the function could get stuck in an endless loop when the number of parameters was larger than or equal to the number of data points. This is now checked, and in those cases the method is changed to "LIN" (#381, fixed in #465).
  • We replaced nls() with minpack.lm::nlsLM() as it’s more robust and can find a fit in cases where nls() would fail. Please keep in mind that it does not mean that fit results in those cases make any sense, it just helps to avoid uncontained events in the R session (addresses #381).
  • Option output.plotExtended.single has been renamed to plot_singlePanels (#351, fixed in #408).
  • The function now supports a list of data frames as input, in which case it calls itself on each element of the list and produces a list of RLum.Results as output (#405, fixed in #434).
  • The function reported negative dose values in the MC runs plot when using fit.method = "QDR" and mode = "extrapolation" (#504, fixed in #505).
  • Argument NumberIterations.MC has been renamed to n.MC (#546, fixed in #547).


  • Option plot.single has been renamed to plot_singlePanels (#351, fixed in #408).


  • Argument norm is now better validated so that specifying an incorrect value returns an error instead of silently skipping curve normalisation (#250, fixed in #263).


  • The gradient between colours when plot.type = "persp" is now more consistent and doesn’t produce artefacts in the regions of transition between colours (#371, fixed in #380).
  • The function would crash if the bin.rows or bin.cols value was set too high or if xlim and ylim were set too tight (#415, fixed in #416).


  • The function is now much faster: we have recorded an overall improvement of over 60% on a 46M file, with potentially bigger time savings for larger files (#298, fixed in #333, #355 and #360).
  • Argument n.records is now better supported for BIN files v3 and v4 and doesn’t lead to a crash when used in conjunction with the fastForward option (#343, fixed in #344).
  • Argument zero_data.rm was not correctly propagated if the input object was provided as a list (#342, fixed in #345).
  • The METADATA fields that are not actually read from the BINX file in case of a ROI record are now set to NA rather than being assigned the value from the previous record (#336, fixed in #360).
  • The .RESERVED slot is now kept in sync with the rest of the object when records are dropped from the input BIN/BINX file (#337, fixed in #348).
  • The function doesn’t crash anymore when reading a file that contains a record with an unrecognised version after other records with a valid version have been read (#352, fixed in #353).
  • The function doesn’t crash anymore when reading a file that contains a ROI record while using fastForward = TRUE (#356, fixed in #360).


  • If the function encounters problems in the provided list of files, it shows a more relaxed handling; throws an error but continues reading.


  • The new n_records argument now enables to control the number of records to import, which can be useful in case the file is faulty.
  • The function failed to import files when a directory name was provided; this was a regression introduced in v0.9.25 and it has now been fixed.
  • The function truncated the terminal output under certain circumstances; fixed.


  • Option plot_single has been renamed to plot_singlePanels and was changed so that plot_singlePanels = TRUE will produce one plot per panel, for consistency with other functions (#351, fixed in #408).


  • The function gained a new argument file_input that enables the creating of a DRAC template based on an existing DRAC CSV file. This way, already available DRAC files can be conveniently modified without having to call use_DRAC() first.
  • The template contained a couple of minor mistakes that got fixed along with a more strict enforcement of the class of each field, which is now set as an attribute; the change should have no user-visible effect.
  • The function now supports the conversion factors by Cresswell et al. (2018) (Cresswelletal2018). Please ensure that the server supports that option.


  • The function has been made more robust against misspecifications of its trim_range argument that could lead to crashes (#460, fixed in #461).


  • Support for DRAC v1.1 XLS/XLSX files has been dropped, users should use CSV files according to the DRAC v1.2 CSV template.
  • The function gained support for three new ... arguments: version_ignore to ignore the DRAC version check, user and password to access password protected websites.
  • The identifiers submitted to the DRAC server are now better randomized to to guarantee more confidentiality of the data transmitted (#435, fixed in #438).


  • Potentially breaking old code!: if cleanup = TRUE the result was not consistent and produced a mixture of RLum.Results and RLum.Analysis/Risoe.BINFileData objects in particular when run over a list, this was not what stated in the manual. Now the function indeed cleans up the object, hence if a list of RLum.Analysis objects is provided, the result is a cleaned list of that object. If the clean-up ends up removing everything, the result is NULL.
  • The function doesn’t crash anymore when applied to an empty list (#365, fixed in #366).
  • Silence the very talkative terminal output even if nothing was removed from a record for cleanup = TRUE.
  • The function now provides better terminal feedback if the selection results in an empty record.
  • Add a new logical argument use_fft that will apply an additional Fast Discrete Fourier Transform (FFT) verification on the data if wanted.


  • The function now supports the verbose argument, which can be used to suppress output to the terminal (#442, fixed in #444).

Changes in version 0.9.26 (2024-11-18)

CRAN release: 2024-11-18

Removed functions

  • Function calc_Kars2008() (deprecated since version 0.8.1) is now officially defunct, calc_Huntley2006() should be used instead (#252, fixed in #257).



  • The function crashed with a object merge error if run in a loop because of a merge_RLum() error. This was caused by a regression while implementing the n_N calculation in plot_GrowthCurve(). Potentially affected was also analyse_SAR.CWOSL().
  • The function now shows a warning and sets plot = FALSE when option plot.single = FALSE is set but the device size is too small. This should prevent “Figure margins too large” errors.
  • The function will not crash anymore during the plotting in another edge case related to single grain data.


  • The function crashed for mixed set of RLum.Analysis-class objects typically observed for single grain data, e.g., one object contains only TL curves while all others contain the OSL/IRSL data from the grain. As the function filters those records automatically, it crashed because the aliquot number assignment internally relied on the length of the object (regression, #373, fixed)


  • The function now produces a more correct rejection.criteria data frame (#245, fixed in #246).
  • Several edge cases that led to crashes have been fixed (#147, fixed in #247).


  • When the function was used on a list of RLum.Analysis-class objects with the argument null.rm = TRUE it would remove all NULL objects, but not elements that became list() (empty list) during the selection; fixed.
  • Fix an edge case that caused a rather non-expected, more visible output problem. When curves were selected via recordType on RLum.Analysis-class objects (or a list of them) containing only a single RLum.Data-class object, the function returned the RLum.Data.Curve-class object regardless of the selection in recordType. In other words: if a user tried recordType = "TL" on an RLum.Analysis-class object that contained only a single IRSL curve, the function would still return that single IRSL curve instead of an empty element. The reason for this behaviour was a poor attempt to deal with NA in the recordType name that led to missing values and unexpected behaviour for a logical comparison. Now, before the subset happens, NA values in recordType are converted to "NA" (a character), allowing us to fix the incorrect subsetting.


  • Add support for lphi and ltheta light direction arguments for plot.type = "persp".
  • Fix the reason for the unclear warning In col.unique == col : longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length


  • Recently, non-ASCII characters in comments or file names have become more common and that led to crashes during the file export. To avoid this, now all non-ASCII characters are replaced by _ before writing them to the BIN/BINX files.
  • The function now returns the file path of the export.
  • Fix a bug that left connections open if the function crashed.


  • Two new internal functions .throw_warning() and .throw_error() sometimes flushed the terminal with messages if called (internally) in particular circumstances. Now we maintain a stack of function names, so that at any time we can report correctly the name of the function where an error or a warning is thrown (#254, fixed in #256).

Changes in version 0.9.25 (2024-09-12)

CRAN release: 2024-09-12

This package version requires R >= 4.3

New functions

  • read_HeliosOSL2R(): New import function to support the new zero rad Helios luminescence reader and its .osl file format. The output is an RLum.Analysis-class object.



  • Fix #183 addressing an edge-case crash when the function was called on an object containing no records of the appropriate type (#184, @mcol).


  • Add ... support to disable the blue trend line via plot.trend = FALSE
  • Fix #175 to deal gracefully with the case when the size of Lx and Tx doesn’t match (#192, @mcol).


  • Function did not respect argument main; fixed.


  • Fix #133 addressing cases where R throws an uncontained error when R drops the object structure in very rare cases (#134; thanks @mcol)


  • Improve success rate of GOK fitting of the unfaded data using a two step approach: first an exponential fit is applied then this values are used as start parameters.


  • The skewness and kurtosis depended on number of MC samples (#122); fixed with #123 (thanks to @mcol)


  • Function crashed for = NULL (#129); fixed with #130 thanks to @mcol


  • The function now officially supports numeric vectors and single-column data frames as input (#200).
  • The function computed the number of breaks for the histogram incorrectly (#197, fixed with #198).
  • The function now supports more types of RLum.Results objects without crashing, although if the object contains only one data point it will stop immediately to avoid problems with nls() (#199, fixed in #219).


  • If a BIN/BINX-file is provided, the function will now check that it contains the same amount of data as the corresponding XSYG file a bit earlier than before, thus avoiding a possible crash (#228, fixed in #229).


  • Argument output.path has been removed, and a warning is raised when attempting to use it (#207, fixed in #209).


  • Parameter input_scale was not correctly propagated when the function would self-call (#160, @mcol).


  • The validation of the minimum dataset size didn’t account for the use of the signal.range argument (#182, fixed by #195, @mcol).


  • Fix #162 to remove a dimension mismatch if the input data contained NAs, which would generate unexpected warnings (#163, @mcol).
  • The function doesn’t stop anymore with an error if called on an RLum.Results object (#165, @mcol).


  • Argument plot.ratio will now throw an error on non-positive numerical values (#221, fixed in #222).
  • The function doesn’t crash anymore when setting interactive = TRUE (#220, fixed in #233).


  • Argument signal.integral.max is now enforced to be greater than signal.integral.min, as otherwise the computation of the number of channels would produce Inf (#203, fixed in #206).
  • Fix a crash when using option analyse_function = "analyse_pIRIRSequence" (#210, fixed in #211).


  • The function now calculates the relative saturation (n/N) using the ratio of the two integrates. The value is part of the output table.
  • Argument na.rm has been removed: as of version 0.9.23, it was defunct and only accepted TRUE as valid value and produced an error otherwise, so there is no effective change in behaviour (#137, fixed in #214).


  • The function doesn’t crash anymore when setting interactive = TRUE (#186, fixed in #231).


  • It now officially supports numeric vectors and single-column data frames, for which it assumes that the De error at each measurement is 10^-9 (#189, fixed in #194, @mcol).


  • The function reports an helpful message rather than crashing when applied to an object of unexpected type or when there is a mismatch in time values (#177, fixed with #179 by @mcol).


  • The function doesn’t crash anymore when a single-column data frame is provided (#191, fixed in #212).


  • The function now supports all arguments from plot_RLum.Data.Spectrum(); before it had only basic functionality for RLum.Data.Spectrum-class data.


  • The plot function can now handle non-increasing column values for plotting (with a warning).


  • ignore.RECTYPE now supports numeric values, e.g., 128. Records for this type will be ignored during import.
  • BINX-files with RECTYPE = 128 will not crash anymore, thanks for asking Anna-Maartje Boer and replying Karsten Bracht.
  • The function now stops graciously when attempting to read an empty file (#225, fixed in #226).


  • The function is out of the beta status, hence the flag was removed.
  • The RLum.Analysis-class object returned by the function gained a new element Sequence, which is a data frame. with the measured sequence. This way, if the original sequence was lost, it can still be extracted from the .psl data.
  • If no .psl file was found the function got trapped in an infinite loop (#127); fixed with #128 (thanks to @mcol)


  • Fix spectrometer data import for basically broken files.



  • Fix a crash when reading an empty Risoe.BINfileData input (#215, fixed in #224).


  • New internal function + tests added .get_named_list_element(). It just does what the names says.